Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I'm feeling pretty quiet, lately. I've noticed that the less attractive parts of my personality have become enhanced by my pregnancy, and it seems garish to have them out here on display so regularly.

I mean, how petty and small am I to be complaining about anything? I am pregnant! I know many, many women who would gladly take my place, and do so gracefully. They wouldn't complain about dress sizes, or their funny husbands or any of the other silly things I've recorded for posterity thus far.

I know that I want to remember this, all of this- but man, I'm awfully fucking whiny.

Does my gratitude seem evident? Or am I spending this precious time complaining? I can't seem to see the fine line today. I am grateful. More than I can ever say.

I think I'll ride out the rest of this shame hangover in private. "Private" here meaning crying on the phone to my mom and my aunt, of course.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelly, don't feel bad! These people are the ones that need to worry about their shameovers:

10:47 AM  

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