The Difference
I got a new set of results today. They were good, great even. My progesterone had gone from 7.4 to 19.1 in 48 hours. I had one dose of prometrium in my system before the second blood draw, and I'd had my semi-regular acupuncture treatment the night before.
I totally credit the acupuncture.
I started treatment about 2 months ago, I think. My anxiety had ratcheted itself to an entirely different level, and having finally settled on a dose of Celexa that really seemed to work for me, I was reluctant to start messing around with meds again. I wasn't up for more talk therapy- though I love it and think it works- I just wasn't up for it. Acupuncture was a thing I had thought about trying, and after visiting my girls in MI I decided to seriously look into it. Now for me, "seriously looking into" something means that maybe I'll get back to it in six months or so. I think that would have happened here as well, but I went to playgroup a few days after deciding to do it, and lo! Someone brought up the subject of her fantastic acupuncturist. Easy. I got his number, called and set up an appointment.
I loved the actual treatment from the get-go. I told my mom after the first session that I hadn't felt my jaw unclench for nearly two years until that night. The needles don't hurt me, and it is one whole hour spent by my damn self which is magical. I will say that the first four weeks or so were tough. I was really crabby and tense between sessions, and thought a lot about quitting, as it seemed to be making things worse. But I stayed, and I'm so glad. I haven't had an anxiety attack since July. I haven't had a gallbladder attack since July. My periods were getting much more manageable. I started being able to sleep at night. My jaw stayed unclenched. I am different. Calmer. I have felt some nervousness regarding this pregnancy, but if I were going through it without the benefit of acupuncture I know that I'd be nearly non-functioning with the stress of it all right now.
I wasn't using acupuncture to get pregnant. But I do think that acupuncture is a huge factor in this pregnancy. I'm acupuncture's newest, biggest fan.
I love acupuncture too! In fact, i was just looking for another practitioner who does my newest form of get-rid-of-my-stupid-disease therapy. My current one doesn't do acupuncture. Even my kids like acupuncture!
And wonderful news about the results. We're keeping positive vibes out here.
Yay needles!!!
Oh, that was Claire...
Yay Needles!
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